Managing Commercial Support: UAB entities

How CME can Help

Please note: If you plan to apply for commercial support or will have exhibitors at your event, we require you to attest that you have reviewed this section of our guide, understood its contents, and commit to ensuring that your activity will meet the ACCME standards for commercial support.The attestation form is here.

Send us your promotional material so we can ensure that the wording aligns with ACCME standards.

We're always available to answer questions, so contact us if you're unsure of any step in dealing with commercial support. In summary, here are some reminders:

  • No member of a supporting organization is involved in planning the educational activity
  • A letter of agreement (LOA) must be executed for any commercial support
  • All funds must be in the form of an unrestricted educational grant and must come through UAB. No commercial logos can appear on any materials that acknowledge the commercial supporter
    • All contracts must be executed through the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) or through the Office of University Contracts

Just a couple of important Don'ts:

  • Dont' ever sign an agreement. All agreements must be routed through OSP or University Contracts
  • Don't allow distribution of promotional material in any room where education activities take place
  • Don't allow a commercial supporter to influence any aspect of the program - that's the "unrestricted" part in an "unrestricted educational grant..."

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