Managing Commercial Support: UAB entities

While each element of the standards for commercial support are important, we want to ensure that you understand the following when dealing with commercial support:

  • A commercial interest is defined as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.
    • If you are unsure if the entity you are working with meets this definition, check here and/or ask us.
  • No representative of a commercial interest may control any content for which CME credit is awarded except under a narrow set of specific conditions. Always let us know if your activity plans to include a representative of a commercial entity in its program. WE must determine that such a presentation meets one of the three conditions and that the presentation meets our content validity standard.
  • In-Kind support, e.g. the use of a piece of equipment to demonstrate a procedure or technique, requires a signed Letter of Agreement just as any education grant or monetary support does
  • All forms of commercial support must be disclosed to activity participants
    • No brands, logos, or corporate slogans can be used when providing such information to learners
  • Commercial support contributed for a CME activity must only be used for that activity, and you must report how those funds were disbursed to UAB CME after the activity is concluded
  • Commercial funds can be used to pay honoraria or other reasonable expenses for activity faculty, but can never be used to recompense learners.